Blue Jean Baby Queen

Yesterday my younger brother went into heart surgery down at Seattle Children's Hospital. He made it through fine and is recovering now, though he'll probably stay for a bit to make sure everything is "settling in" alright. If my facts are right (and if they're not, I'm sure my Dad will email me with a correction), I think the procedure he got was replacing an old valve which was actually a pig valve (yes, from the animal) that wasn't working- which meant that instead of properly keeping blood moving in the right direction, it was just sloshing back and forth. So he got a new valve inserted, which is a cow valve, I believe. With new technology his valve replacement could be done through a catheter! It's pretty unbelievable what modern medicine can do. He's incredibly blessed, medical science is staying one step ahead of his condition(s), basically keeping him alive. He's had multiple experimental procedures, and we've been waiting for this most recent procedure to be FDA approved for over a year. He's kind of the bionic boy what with all the hardware that keeps his heart running.

top/diy :: jeans/courtesy of Jessica Simpson :: boots/kensiegirl :: scarf/pashmina

The folks at Jessica Simpson asked me if I'd like to style a pair of the new denim line and, since I'm always on the lookout for a pair of jeans that will actually fit me, they sent me this pair of jeggings. I'm always skeptical that jeans will fit me. I have a body that most jean companies don't have any interest in fitting (big ass, tiny waist, short legs), so I was hoping that Jessica's line might appeal to a curvier backside while still fitting my waist. 90% of the time when I try on jeans, they have this huge gap above my butt between the waistline and my back. But Lo! These fit like an absolute dream! I think my jaw almost dropped when I looked at the back and they were like... sculpted to my curves. I must say, I'm a pretty big fan right now. Granted, I've never tried any of her other jeans' styles, but seeing how well these ones fit, I'd definitely be open to trying something else! I also am a fan of how they're pretty inexpensive. Most of the line is around 50 bucks, which seems pretty good to me as far as designer stuff goes (can you consider Jessica's stuff "designer"? Maybe I'll just put quotations around it for good measure).

In case you were wondering, that ^ is how happy I am about quitting my job. Woo!

Also, the winner of the Violet Folklore vintage dress giveaway is...

Michelle from Michelle-esque!

Michelle was chosen as the winner of the Vintage Violet Folklore Dress using the random number generator at I can't wait to see Michelle style up the dress! Congrats!