workin' girl

The outfits on this blog are rarely outfits I wear to work. At the beginning of working for this company I was all bright eyed and bushy tailed and wore cute outfits every morning. Now I barely get enough sleep and I'm too lazy to put on something cute in the morning (read: I sleep as long as possible, until all I can do is throw on jeans and run out of the house to make it on time). So this outfit is what I wore to work today, exactly. Pretty much standard issue work outfit. Jeans, big t-shirt (sometimes the one I slept in. Yep, I'm that classy), boots or moccs, jacket.

jacket/empyre via zumiez :: jeans/sinister :: tee/DIY :: boots/target

I'm pretty much in love with this jacket, can you tell? It makes me feel so badass. I don't think it's even really intrinsically badass, but when I put it on, I feel badass. Perhaps it's just the novelty of having something new and feeling so cool wearing it. I have been aching for a complete wardrobe overhaul, but I don't have the time or money to do such a thing. I'm not the kind of person who gets a new wardrobe every season. Pretty much all of my clothes I've had for almost a year, if not more, and I don't buy new things every season. I have a few newer items here and there but overall, my dressing and outfit compilation process is entirely remix oriented. I think right now my brain is just burnt out on remixing all the things I have. It'll get new inspiration and a second wind soon enough, it always does. Sometimes I just look at my closet and think, "I don't want to wear any of that! I just want a shiny new dress to prance around in!" But, I mean, who doesn't think that from time to time, right? So it goes.