this heart's on fire

This past week has been what seems to be summer's last hurrah. Lots of sun! Next week has all sun in the forecast too, so hopefully the good times will keep on rolling in! Sunny weather always makes me want to wear really simple outfits, just a dress, shoes and maybe an accessory or two. I figure I'd better enjoy the simplicity of a sundress while I can. Soon I'll be layering up to keep warm.

I'm actually kind of bummed this dress isn't still for sale, I really like it. This one isn't in my size though, so Tieka can rest assured I won't steal it from her, haha. I'll just have to settle for this little taste of this dress.

dress/ruche from selective potential (via delightful dozen) :: hat/claire's :: shoes/seychelles

Today is the beginning of my last full week of work. The end is near! I'm starting to sort of freak out about money. I wanted to leave with 5 grand saved up but I'm not sure I'll make that. We'll see. Hopefully New York won't drain me too much. I'm aching to change my ticket so I can go a day earlier and attend the IFB event but I'm afraid the cost of ticket change plus the tickets to IFB will be just too much.

I'm hoping the next few weeks can be really productive as far as finishing my own projects go. I feel like I always have a list of things to do on the weekend but get caught up doing a bunch of other things. This weekend my grandparents were in town, so I got roped into doing a bunch of family things. We had a family reunion on Saturday that I didn't even know was going on! Apparently it was the whole reason they were in town and somehow that information slipped past me. I was braced for the typical painful experience that is the Family Reunion, but it ended up being pretty fun and not so long and drawn out. Most of the people there I didn't even know! Since that side of my family is Alaska Native, a lot of them still live out in more rural areas of the state. I probably looked totally unrelated to all them with my fake red hair, haha! Needless to say, Alaska Natives don't have naturally red hair. Red hair runs through my mom's side of the family. I'm crossing my fingers that the red hair skipped a generation and I get a cute ginger daughter or son someday!