Boyfriend Criteria

I ran across Katie Turner's illustration today on Design*Sponge and just totally fell in love. Her whimsical little illustrations instantly improve my mood, and make me pine for a cute boy to kiss, haha! Plus, I have a weak spot for redheads (so much so that I actually had to become one...) so that illustration of the boy on the subway just killed me! Swoon!

Stuff like this makes me want to make my own art again. Making bad art for clients on a daily basis kind of saps the ol' creative juices. I really should force myself to draw more though, I really enjoy it. I hope the interior of my Winnebago becomes plastered with lovely artworks on my journeys. I used to do little sketches a lot more back in college, and I've gotten out of the habit of just drawing stuff all the time. Maybe if I just spent 30 minutes a day drawing... perhaps I'll make that a rule on the Winne. 30 minutes a day w/ pencil in hand. Do it.