The Remix

Well, when I mentioned I was going to style up that shirt again with a red skirt, I didn't mean that I was going to do it the next day, but... I did. I like this top too much! I bought this skirt months ago... maybe even a year ago and have never worn it. I didn't like the fabric and how it fit, but with this ensemble I don't mind it. I'm glad I got to wear it finally.

This outfit kind of reminds me of something Joan Holloway, from Mad Men, would wear. Not to work, but maybe at home. Casual, but still with some hallmarks of Joan. Though, an outfit like this may be a later 60's outfit for her. Jane would definitely wear something like this, I think. She became the sort of neo-Joan, though is decidedly turning into a bit of a trainwreck. Gosh I'm excited for the new season of Mad Men. I tried to get my hair to do something Joan-esque, but I was so not into putting that much effort into my hair today.

Is everyone stoked it's Friday? I am. Time to catch up on a weeks worth of sleep!

skirt/thrifted :: top/from Idee Geniale via Delightful Dozen :: shoes/thrifted