Hard Rock

I've been looking into getting an iPhone and mobile internet, and I went to the ATT store today to check into it. I'll actually be really sad to move on from my little plastic phone! I love that phone. It's the most reliable and resilient phone of all time. I'm sure I'll like having an iPhone on the road, though. I've already downloaded an app that has a database of over 18,000 campgrounds!

I went to McDonald's yesterday for the first time in years. My little brother got his first job there and he just started working! So we had to go pester him, obviously. It wasn't too terrible, but I'm still no fan of fast food. Sometimes I crave a good ol' burger, fries, and a coke though. I think my choice of fast food would probably be Arby's or Carl's Jr. though. I'm going to try not to eat too much fast food while I'm on the road. It will be interesting to see how my diet changes being on the road. I've been very blessed living at home, eating delicious family meals. When I lived alone my diet was quite limited. Ramen, Mac n Cheese, etc. I have a feeling I'll be returning to those super cheap options in the near future...

shirt/courtesy of modcloth :: skirt/thrifted
boots/minnetonka :: bag/courtesy of Rare Treasure

Robyn from Rare Treasure was so nice to send me some vintage goodies, one of which was this incredible studded bag. She's got a few more cute bags in her shop right now too! I have an affinity for studs, going back to my more hardcore days as a teen when I used to go to local rock shows with my best friend. I once got us friendship bracelets that were little leather cuffs with a single row of studs. Unfortunately they soon became all the rage and Hot Topic started carrying what seemed like costco-sized quantities of studded crap. Lame. I still have the bracelet and wear it from time to time. Back in the day I literally would only take it off to shower.
Minus the short leather skirt, this is actually pretty close to something I would wear in high school. High school was all about t-shirts and jeans. I like this t-shirt though, it's really comfy and the rocks remind me of Carly Waito's incredibly gorgeous paintings.

On Friday I got my old 35mm Olympus OM-1 fixed! It's been broken for over a year and I just have never gotten around to fixing it. I figured I'd better get it fixed before going on the road. I'm going to want all the cameras I own. I'll have to pick up my Polaroid in Washington too.
I also dropped off the most recent roll from my Holga, so I think it'll be done sometime today! I don't even remember what's on that roll...
Oh, and I dyed my hair a bit darker. Not all of it, just the top part kind of, to blend the dark roots. This will be the first part of my gradual return to darker hair. I kind of want to bleach out my tips too, at some point, and maybe dye them some crazy color. Perhaps that will be when I'm back to black, as it would probably look odd to have reddish hair with blue or green tips. Meh, we'll see. The future looks fun, folks!

I finally got around to doing a little tour video of the Brave, but I did it with my computer's webcam, so it's horrible quality and mirror imaged. I'm going to try and do another one with my brother's video camera so it's not such awful quality and you can get a better look at my future home.

P.S. Happy summer solstice! Up here in Alaska it's quite the party time! Today we had 19 hours and 22 minutes of sun. It's all downhill from here... shorter and shorter days from here on out...