Double Duty

Guess what I'm wearing again! Haha. You guys are probably so sick of this skirt. Unfortunately for you, I'm not! I bought it last summer when I was in Portland and I have worn the hell out of it since then. I actually looked on Forever 21's website and they still have this skirt for sale, if any of you guys want it. I highly recommend it. Super comfy, super cute, and pretty dang inexpensive.

I wore socks with my flats, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. When I looked in the mirror I thought it looked cute, but now I'm not so sure. I love the whole socks thing that's going on, but I'm afraid it will make my legs look too short. Hm. I'm going to keep trying, but I'm still skeptical.

top/fred meyer(customized) :: skirt/forever 21 :: shoes/thrifted :: necklace/vintage

I rarely wear this hoodie, and I'm not entirely sure why. I guess I don't wear sweatshirts very often anymore. The back print is by Jose Parla, who came as a visiting artist to my school. I was taking Painting I at the time, so it was cool to watch him work. He had two boards set up in our studio that he was working on and taught his methods. Being a pretty young student my work was extremely derivative of his during the process, and I kind of loathe the painting I made for our assignment (I actually ended up throwing it away when I had to move out of Spokane. It was enormous and way too hard to move). Nevertheless, I learned a lot from Jose, and I absolutely adore his work. If only I could afford his work! He did a collaboration with our press too, and made a few prints, one of which was a screen print and the students got to bring in a shirt to print on.

Speaking of printing, I'm really aching to do some printing before I leave. I want to see if I can burn and borrow a screen from work. Maybe I can swing through Spokane and take over my old printshop for a couple days to do some printing there too. That would be swell!