Welcome to the soft parade

Wow, this week has been so jam packed with various happenings that I have had zero time to do outfit posts! Almost a week later and I'm only just now posting my photos from last weekend. I'm aching to get back up to Talkeetna, but I want to bring my Brave and getting it insured/registered/title transfered before I'd leave on Friday is looking a bit daunting. I might just have to go up sans Brave and wait for next week until I have time to get all her ducks in a row. Turns out I'm working overtime on Friday, which is exciting and a bummer simultaneously. I mean, I'll be raking in the dough at time-and-a-half, but I do love my three day weekends.

I got to Talkeetna and my best friend Bradley met me and took me to their amazing home (which I didn't get digital photos of, but I have some Holga pictures that need to be developed. It's seriously a magical place). They're housesitting for a dog musher so they're getting free rent in return for taking care of his dogs all summer. Amazing! Brad was rocking the homeless/Alaskan look with his beard for a bit before he shaved it all off, haha. I'm sure it will be back.

Brad and I went down to the river and watched the terns dive-bombing their prey in the water. You can kind of see Mt. McKinley in the background. You have to actually be there to appreciate its majesty. It's a seriously awe inspiring view. Largest mountain in North America jutting out of the earth against the clear blue sky. Incredible. I need to get a video camera because I keep wanting to share cool videos with you guys. I'll definitely invest in one before I head out on my big journey.

On Friday night we went into town and played in the season opener of drunk kickball. Yeah, it's as good of an idea as it sounds. The rule is, you must always have a beer in your hand. Try to catch a flying kickball with a beer in one hand, it takes some skill. I spent my time in the outfield avoiding having to perform such a feat. I made it up to kick once and was plastered in the head with the ball right before I made it to first base sending my beer and glasses flying. The rest of the night everyone kept coming up to me and asking if I was okay, but I really wasn't phased at all, haha!

The boys take care of the dogs every morning and all the pups go crazy for about a half hour while they get fed and taken care of. This little guy is Wild Bill. Too cute! The picture of Brad and Wild Bill slays me! Too much cuteness in one photograph.

If you guys remember, I did a post back in November about pə-ˈrād, Brad and the boys' band. They've got a whole practice space set up in their little living room, which is pretty neat. I finally got a cassette of their album, which I absolutely love. I don't know what it is about me and lo-fi stuff. I must've been born with the heart of a person in the 70's.

I'll get you guys some interior shots of the Brave as soon as I can. The weather has been really dark and gloomy lately, so it's kinda a little dark to get good shots in there. I was going to take more pictures last night but I fell asleep at SEVEN THIRTY PM. Oh my. I seriously conked out and hour and a half after I got home from work. Hopefully that means I'm rested up and ready to take on the world! We've gotta take a trip to some open spaces for beauty shots!