This is not a test

Phew! Back from another wonderful weekend in TKA!
I took the Brave on her first test drive!!!!!

She was absolute perfection. Unfortunately, in all my excitement I failed to remember my camera card, which means no photos from this trip. I did bring my holga and got some "beauty shots" of her hanging out in the woods. I'll try to get those developed this week. My Mom and Dad took some pictures of me on their iPhones as I was leaving, though.

I think instead of trying to get interior photos, I'll just do a video tour of her. That way you'll get a better idea of what she actually looks and feels like. It'll do her more justice than just still photographs.

Well, since I was lame and did not get any weekend photos, here is a little flashback of my 21st birthday cake so you guys can try to grasp my full obsession. I think it would be so cool to get Geof from Ace of Cakes to make me a Winnebago cake. Dear Geof, somehow read this blog post and then make me a cake for free. KTHXBYE.

Maybe I'll just drive to Baltimore and pull up to Charm City Cakes and they'll think I'm so cool that they'll invite me in and we'll all make a Brave cake together. A girl can dream!

P.S. Does anyone else have a crush on Geof? He's so damn funny!