Getting down to business

The weather has been so absolutely gorgeous this week! And alas! I've been mostly stuck inside working for 10 hours a day. Gotta pay the billz. Now it's a long weekend (4 days for me!) and I'm so looking forward to doing whatever the heck I want. Brave projects, friends, travels, relaxing. The options are endless!
Do you guys have any big plans for the long weekend?

I'm sure you guys are sick of my black target cardigan. I wear it pretty much every day. I just don't like being cold at all, and it's such a perfect weight for spring (though I'm counting right now as summer because we get so few months of summer as it is). I finally got to wear my handsewn skirt though! I can't wear it with tights because it's not lined so the fabric clings and gets scrunched into my crotch as I walk (super attractive, I know). Yay for bare legs and summertime!

cardigan/target :: scarf/mom's hand me down :: top/forever 21
skirt/handmade :: shoes/minnetonka

Recently I started noticing something interesting in the blogosphere, twittersphere, and various other internet places. There seems to be some sort of annoyance or discomfort in regards to bloggers getting sent items courtesy of some brands, the most discussed being ModCloth. As I'm sure you guys know, I'm one of those bloggers who does receive items courtesy of ModCloth. There are a lot of different thoughts out there pertaining to the issue of receiving items courtesy of a brand or store. Some people have mentioned that they feel like some blogs are becoming just a big advertisement for ModCloth. I could definitely see how that sentiment could be legitimate. I think it's important, for me at least, to post outfits that I would wear regardless of which items are sponsored. When I get dressed in the morning I just put on whatever I want, not thinking about where each item is from. If someone starts changing their style to conform to the brand they being sponsored by, I feel like that's a little questionable, but none of the people that I know who are receiving items have changed their style at all!

I've never had a problem with bloggers wearing "courtesy of" items, and now that I'm one of those bloggers, I still don't have a problem with it, though I do understand there's a level of sensitivity and tact that must be exercised.
I think what readers and/or bloggers who aren't sponsored need to understand (as unglamorous it is to talk "business") is that sponsorships must be mutually beneficial to both parties to at least some extent. Why is a company going to sponsor a blog, or any publication, if that publication doesn't have enough traffic to lead people to the company's site? Sponsors are trying to make a living too. I understand people's desire to have up and coming blogs feature courtesy items as well, but the fact of the matter is, there has to be enough traffic for it to benefit the business. I suppose this could sound cutthroat or partial to a certain "clique" of bloggers, but I would urge you guys to not think of it that way. All of the bloggers I know who get courtesy items all work extremely hard on their blogs, and they are all amazingly genuine, wonderful people. I, for one, definitely do not see myself as part of any sort of clique. I love all you guys! Blogging isn't an exclusive thing, it's totally democratic and that's why I love it.

I know this is kind of a touchy subject, simply because different people have different perspectives and viewpoints. What do you guys think of the issue? If you want to ask me questions on the subject, I'll respond in the comments!