This is how we multiply

More family! We have tons of old pictures and I think my favorites are from when my mom and dad first met and were married. I should dig up some photos of me when I was a tiny version of me, those were good times in the Golden State.
My mom and dad met at college (the same one I went to). He was from Alaska and she was from California. Pretty opposite environments! As you can see, he was a commercial fisherman, and also a carpenter.

This picture kind of cracks me up. My dad met my grampa and my grampa thought he was a smart alec, haha. Of course, he is a smart alec, but he definitely grew on my grampa. Look at that striped shirt! Stylin!

They went to San Francisco once on a little trip. I love this picture of my mom. She's so cute in her hat, button up shirt and rolled sleeves, and high waisted flair jeans. Plus, what better back drop than a harbor?

I love this picture too. For some reason this photo epitomizes love to me. Maybe it's just that I want someone to want to take wooded, backlit photos of me when we're hiking through a gorgeous photo. I wonder if she knew she was going to spend forever with the person hiding behind the camera. Maybe that's why it epitomizes love to me.

These pictures were taken after they were married and living in Honolulu, Hawai'i. She's probably about my exact age in these photos. Their little dog is so cute. She became kind of crazy after having to go through quarantine, somewhere there's a picture of her in a sea of ripped up toilet paper. It's hilarious. Also, their mopeds are a crack up.

Little Katie dog! She kind of went crazy after having to spend months in quarantine when they moved to Hawai'i. They have this picture of her surrounded by ripped up toilet paper which is pretty hilarious. I'll have to find it and scan it.

I have a giveaway coming up later today so stay tuned!