Ring around the rosie

I've been traveling to and from the Matsu Valley the past few days, and I forgot how beautiful it is out there. I'm thinking of going back today to take pictures! It's about an hour and a half drive, but so worth it. I love taking pictures in the good ol' backyard but as the weather warms up I think it'll be fun to explore more "exotic" locations.

The sun has finally come out to stay, for a bit at least. Our house is kind of like a greenhouse, it heats up really fast when the sun hits it. It makes it feel like summer! Plus, the snow is almost all gone. Of course, for now the grass is nasty, matted, brown and littered with all the dog poop that was stuck in the snow all winter. It's finally supposed to get up into the 50's, though, this weekend! I need to get my bike all tuned up and my tires inflated. I'm vowing to bike all the time this summer.

I've been thinking more and more about the Brave journey as I've been looking for the right one. It's strange to think about living on my own again, much less living on my own rambling around in a 35 year old motorhome. I've lived on my own before, but having been at home again for almost a year I feel like I've gotten "soft". I'm trying to mentally prep myself for being alone on the road. It's hard to envision being out there, just going. I keep closing my eyes and pretending that I'm going for miles and miles. Pulling into camp at the end of the day. Will the silence be overwhelming? Will I be lonely? Will I be scared? Part of me thinks that that is why I'm going. I want to feel self-sufficient. All I've ever wanted is to know I can make it on my own, with no one holding my hand, no safety net, no training wheels.

dress/tigercult vintage :: skirt/thrifted :: shoes/keds