Sunset Rubdown

Woke up this morning and it was snowing. For some reason it still surprises me. I guess it only surprises me if it wasn't snowing when I went to sleep.
A lot of people wanted to know the story behind that leather skirt I posted. I got it from this amazing vintage/thrift store in Spokane, WA called Drop Yer Drawers. I'd been there quite a few times, but that particular time I went I was trying to get to know the weird old hippie dude that owns it so I could do a write up about DYD in my magazine, CORSAIR. I ended up listening to crazy stories from him for a couple hours and shared lunch with him from a teriyaki take out place. In return, he gave me the skirt, which I had planned on buying anyway. I think DYD is still my all time favorite thrift store. Possibly because of the crazy old dreadlocked hippie.

dress/f21 :: cardigan/target :: shoes/thrifted keds :: necklace/AK mint

I went to Maui yesterday.

Yup. I woke up and it was snowing and now I'm basking in the tropics. So if you were wondering why I'm wearing bare legs in the middle of a snowstorm, it was so very brief, and for good cause.
This dress was perfect for a flight. Pretty much like wearing jammies the whole flight. I made a last minute run to F21 and used up the last of my Christmas gift card to get some tropics-appropriate items. When I saw this dress I knew it was going to be my airplane outfit.

Well, I'm not sure what the agenda is today, possibly some beach-going and general relaxation. Oh! And perhaps renting a bike???!!!