Totally Bummed Out.

Okay, so today kind of sucks. I did not get the job, and I did not win the Chictopia 10 contest. I love when life decides to dump all its disappointments on one day. Bummer cuz I was so happy this morning. Well played, life, well played. I'll get you back when you're not looking.

Anyway, I was going to post my interview outfit (which I thought was damn cute) but in light of this news, I say, "Fuck you, job interview outfit," and I will post this outfit from Monday when I was totally happy and felt probs the most pretty I've felt in a long time:

This is the first time I've "styled" my hair in forever (it's finally getting warm enough!). I wanted to make sure I could still beehive it with my shorter hair, and by jove, I can! I kind of want to wear my hair like this all the time, haha. It makes me feel vintage, whimsical and edgy all at the same time. Is that even possible? Let me know if you guys want me to inform you on how I do my hair like this. Orchid Grey did a little tutorial on how she does her hair kind of like this, so you can check that out too!

I got this necklace from my mom back at Christmas but I just haven't gotten around to wearing it. I feel like jewelry is still one of those details that I tend to forget all the time. I don't have pierced ears mostly because I know that I'll never ever remember to put earrings in. I used to wear the same ring and bracelet 100% of the time, and that was the extent of my jewelry wearing, but I'm working on wearing jewelry more effectively, especially since some lovely shops have sent me lovely things that I'm so bad at featuring!

necklace/gift :: dress/Noble Town Vintage :: tights/wet seal :: shoes/vintage

Speaking of featuring things from adorable shops, this dress is from none other than Noble Town Vintage! Yep, the same Noble Town Vintage that is currently giving away one vintage dress! So if you haven't entered yet, DO! You have till Saturday at noon, so get to it! I couldn't resist getting this dress when I saw it in the shop. It's a lot more summery than my current climate, but I couldn't not wear it. I can't wait to frolic in the summer time with this dress!

Also, some of you may have already heard, but I do have some good news. BUT! I'm not going to tell until tomorrow. I can hardly wait though!