So you think you know me?

I think the impressions people get of me from just this little blog are very interesting. I mean, technically everyone here sees such a limited slice of my life. I focus a lot of this blog on my personal style/fashion/whatever you want to call it, but that's not the entirety of my life. I'm a lot less "girly" than I think many of you would assume, so I thought I'd give you all a little insight into other things that I do.

Here are a few videos I've taken over the past few years of various things. The first is a video of me flying with my Dad around Prince William Sound. I can't remember which glacier it is we flew by, but the face of that glacier is about 100 ft high. There are a bunch of seals laying around on ice near the end of the video.

After that video was taken, we spotted one of my Dad's friends' boat down on the water, so we landed and went to say hi. We flew home with fresh Alaskan salmon!

These two videos are from when I commercial fished in Bristol Bay, 2006. It's hard to capture rough seas on video, it's one of those "you had to be there" kinds of things. Just imagine a tinier version of Deadliest Catch.
The last video is also from commercial fishing 2006. It's my Dad flying in to come pick me up at the end of the fishing season.

Here are some more photos of commercial fishing. Yes. This is what I looked like for two months straight. I think I only took one or two showers the whole time. It's intense. 2- 4 hours sleep, at the most, per day. The pile of fish I'm laying on here was pulled in by hand. Appx. 5,000 lbs. Usually we have hydraulics that will pull in the net, but if we need to pull it in very quickly or if the hydraulics break, it's all man-power. It took a couple hours to remove all those fish from the net.

Two months on the water in a 32 x 14 ft aluminum gill netter.

This is me back at home with a huge king salmon right after stepping off the plane from 2 months of fishing. Better believe we cooked that fish up right away. I can't remember how much it weighed. I'm going to guess...30 lbs?

Snowmachining in Big Lake, Alaska. I love snowmachining, I hope we get to go this winter. For those of you who are like, "What the hell is a snowmachine?" That's what Alaskans call what most of you know as "snowmobiles." If you call a snowmachine a "snowmobile" up here, everyone will know you're from the lower 48.

Here is a photo of me in Nelson, B.C. Me and my three good guy friends road tripped from Spokane to Nelson and spent the night drinking, hanging out with crazy random people, climbing around on some abandoned mill, and illegally camping in some park. Look at how long my hair was!!

Here I am doing what I love to do most (though I haven't done it in years). I rode for 11 years and this is in Indio, CA at the HITS show. Me and my horse, Taco, showed together from 8th grade through my sr. year of high school.

And here is another one of my all time favorite things to do: show my car. I love classic cars and muscle cars. I have two trophies, a Best Hot Rod award and a Best In Show award from a car show I did in Alaska back in 2005. This is a photo from a car show in Port Angeles, WA from this summer. I'd never been to such a huge car show, it was magical! I'm always totally out of place, though. 90% of people who show cars are men over the age of 50, so I'm this tiny girl anomaly. People are always like, "Is that your car???" Haha!

So there's a little tiny insight into the me that nobody sees on this blog. I'd show y'all a photo of me playing hockey, but all I have is this photo of me watching the Spokane Chiefs back in 2006. So, photos of me playing hockey are still to come...

Haha, freshman me! And my glasses which I own but don't wear!