Best Year Ever For:

Let's see what had the best year ever at Delightfully Tacky...


had the best year ever

Last time I had legit bangs (not sideswept bangs-esque hair) was in 8th grade. I was nerdy and my hair was awful back then (only due to my own inability to work with it). This fall I decided to go for it again, and I must say, I can't really imagine myself without them now.


had the best year ever

And, consequently, Winnebagos also had the best year ever. If only by default. My favorite piece that I've ever made (bottom) was purchased by my school to be in the permanent collection. Even though I'm kind of sad that I won't have it to grace my future home, It's nice to know exactly where it is and that students from now on will see it. I also started a series of paintings where I take an ugly landscape purchase from a thrift store and paint a winnebago into it (middle). And I had my Sr. Show, which was, all things considered, a success.


had the best year ever

For the past 20 years of my life I have been on a stringent campaign against skirts. Okay, not really, but I was a pants girl through and through. I would never have, of my own volition, gone to school in high school wearing a skirt (thank God my school didn't have a uniform, eh?). This year I rediscovered skirts, and I love them!


had the best year ever

Lets be real, the best mode of transportation in 2009 was bikes. If I could, I would bike everywhere. Of course now I live in Alaska and biking anywhere is nearly impossible. This year I rode my favorite little pink Schwinn and won a bike from Chictopia/Topshop for the Topshop Bicycle contest! Whee!

had the best year ever

Along the lines of my anti-skirts campaign of my youth, tights fell in to the same fate. I don't think I've worn tights regularly since I was 4. I'm not joking. Now it seems like they are the only thing that ever gets put on my legs.

What had the best year ever for you guys?