
Well, today was... interesting. Last night I went out with my friend who was in town for a few days and we went downtown looking for a bar to chill at (on a sunday night, of all nights). We ended up at this little bar which was really cozy. I had at least one too many (the drink I was having was called a Grateful Dead, ironically!), so I had to leave my car downtown and get a ride home. But this morning was the worst ever. Not even due to hangover, I get really sick sometimes at the beginning of you-know-what time of the month and this morning just happened to be my lucky day! So night of drinking + my insides trying to murder me= writhing in agony on my bathroom floor for four hours and vomiting more times than I think I ever have. Aren't you guys glad I shared that all with you? TMI. Sorry. I am all better now, though.

I will give you some lovely images now to cleanse your mind from imagining my lovely morning. I got my Holga prints back! And I also got my Holga 35 mm film back also... but it doesn't look like it turned out very well. Once I figure out how to print it I'll find out for sure.

I didn't care much for most of my color shots (they came out as 4x6's not 6x6 which I prefer), but I loved these dreamy ones from the state fair. The black and white roll is from a few years ago and I'm not even sure where some of the photos were taken.

My grandma and grampa just got Skype! It's so funny to be video chatting online with 88 year old people. I'm sure when they were my age they would never have thought that such technology would ever exist! It makes me wonder what we will come up with by the time I'm 88. Cell phones and computers have advanced so exponentially just from when they came out a couple decades ago.

Go check out Ruche's blog to win some fun things between now and Christmas!

Also, don't forget to enter the Clyde's Rebirth Jewelry giveaway!