Christmas Shower

I think I'm feeding off the colorlessness of the natural world. Well, not entirely true. Today I wore an all green outfit. These photos are from yesterday. I didn't get a photo of my outfit today, but it was kind of like this. I must say, I'm kind of getting bored of the red garage door background, but it's very quick to do my photos there, especially since tromping through the snow and spending more than three minutes doing my photos isn't really my cup of tea. Not in December.
Well, a new background is likely in the future. Especially if I move to San Fran for school.

P.S. still stoked about not having my hair attack my eyeballs.

P.P.S can you tell these are my new favorite boots? Okay, well, co-favorite with my cowboy boots. I wore those today.

skirt/F21 :: t-shirt/AA :: leggings/F21 :: boots/lulu e. bebe

Right now my little doggy is snuggled up next to me in bed and I looked at her all curled up in her fuzzy cuteness and imagined what it must be like to have one's own child curled up like that. My grandma and grampa are both over 88 and since I'm nowhere near married (and thus, nowhere near birthing a child), I decided to ask them to make me things for my future child and have this Christmas be a preemptive baby shower. By the time someone decides they love me enough to have a child with me, I am certain my wonderful grandparents will be gone and I want my child(ren) to have something from them.
My grandma made me a blanket when I was a kid and I still use it to this day, even though it's tattered and patched. And my grampa always made me toys from his carpentry shop. It seems like people don't have skills like that these days. I know my mom and dad will make great things for my kids though. I can picture my dad spending hours in his shop making all sorts of toys for my kids, and my mom making me a baby bag, baby blanket, etc, etc.