Scout's Honor!

Wow. I have been so busy. My planner is completely full and there are arrows going here and there moving things to and fro. I was supposed to start my new job today but due to some circumstances it has been moved to tomorrow. I tried to look all nice today for my first day at my new job, but it turned out that I just got weird confused comments from my customers at my old job. One girl asked me, "This is a weird question, but, do they make you wear that? Or is it like a costume?..." And I responded that I was just wearing it because I wanted to. I think that probably confused her more. It's probably my fault for wearing a boy scout shirt so close to Halloween.

shirt, skirt, scarf & shoes/thrifted :: feather fascinator/handmade

I decided to beehive my hair too. I haven't done it in a while and I missed it! I was fully expecting Amy Winehouse comments, but I think the boyscout outfit trumped the Winehouse resemblance because not one person mentioned her. Maybe tomorrow I will try to look more cracked out and see what happens. Haha, just kidding. I was actually Amy Winehouse for Halloween two years ago. This year I think I will be a cat. I am attending a hockey game that night, so my costume has to be sporting-event-appropriate. Black booties, ears, a tail, and black clothing should suffice. I was a cat last year, but I kind of looked like a mouse. We'll say that I was a mouse last year so I'm not reusing Halloween costumes. I was also Workout-Video-Jane-Fonda last year. Now I'm not feeling too bad about being a cat. Meow!

In other exciting news, the winner of the Leviticus Jewelry giveaway is.... Syd Vicious!! Congrats! I wish I could give all of you guys a present... but that would be expensive.