
Last night I altered one of my skirts! Now that I know I can do it, I am going to go to town with alterations! I need to get new black tights. These ones have had it. I used to wear them for ballet too, so they're pretty used. I was going to go to target today and get some tights but, alas, I forgot.
Today at work I dropped an entire bottle of syrup on the ground, upon which it shattered into a million pieces and sent sticky liquid everywhere. Luckily it was just Pina Colada syrup this time and not Raspberry like last time. When I dropped the Raspberry it looked like a scene from a horror film.

skirt/thrifted : shirt/AA : shoes/thrifted

This skirt used to look like this:

Much too long to be very wearable. This skirt will be perfect for wearing with leggings and tights now in the winter.

On Friday I got two tickets to the Academy of Art University's fashion show at Bryant Park. Unfortunately the show was Saturday, and I'm about as far away from NYC as you can get and still be in the United States. It would've been fun to go to the tents at Bryant Park for Fashion Week, but this year just wasn't my year.

I did watch the live webcast of the show, however. It was almost like being there...

I thought the show was pretty good, however none of the collections were really my thing.

The first one is pretty psychedelic. The patterns and prints remind me of the LSD days of the 60’s. There’s a pretty strong reference to that kind of hippy aesthetic there. They had some pretty interesting draping which moved beautifully, but they all kind of looked the same to me. It would’ve been nice to see some variety. They all had this weird draping emanating from the sides of the boobs. Interesting, I guess, but not at all my thing.

The second collection was much more interesting. I loved the strong colors and beautiful color blocking. The second look with the blue and white romper was one of my favorites, along with the last pink and white romper. This collection almost seemed to be a melding of the 60’s Jersey shore motel aesthetic with a futuristic Zenon, Girl of the 21st Century look.

The third collection looked like a combination of duct-tape and garbage bags concocted into dresses which all looked nearly the exact same. I thought it all looked pretty cheap and impractical. I realize that runway fashion is often times impractical, but it seems like most of the time you can use something from the runway in real life, but this collection... no thanks, garbage bags.

The fourth collection was absolutely gorgeous. It had some of the petaling that Leanne Marshal did in her Project Runway Bryant Park show, but with different fabrics and in a way that gave it this shimmering, otherworldly effect. Really spectacular. Plus the construction in the pieces which weren’t petaled was just incredible. One of my favorite collections.

Fifth collection: A rainbow plaid monster threw up on the models. Yuck.

The sixth collection was visually interesting. Color Blocking, interesting construction and architecture, mixing of fabrics. There were a couple pieces I could see being wearable, and I liked the thought put into them. This collection was very coherent, but not in that, “Oh look, every look is exactly the same garment” kind of way.

The seventh collection had very beautiful use of prints. Some great separates too. I love the yellow top from the second look and the skirt from the third. The architecture and construction is really brilliant. This designer really pushed it, even with the shiny fabric used, which can really easily look cheap. Plus, brilliant placing of bold prints. Not to much not too little. The last dress does make the model look pregnant though. A weird effect of the print...

Oh yes, and I joined Weardrobe, so if you are on Weardrobe, add me as a friend!!