
So, I've never thought that I looked like any celebrities (though someone once mentioned I kind of looked like Helena Bonham Carter), but I saw this picture of Zooey Deschanel and I thought she looked like me! This could just be my residual self image manifesting itself as someone beautiful and talented, but either way, I'm okay with it.

I've been collecting photos of some wonderful decor for a couple weeks now and I thought I'd share with you guys! I don't know where these are from anymore, probably on ffffound and design*sponge.

I really really want to make a chalkboard wall in which ever place I live in next. I always thought they looked kind of tacky and messy, but I love the matte black and I think it would be perfect in a kitchen for documenting fun times had in a communal eating space where friends gather.

I'm going to start collecting old clocks and make a wall like this. I should probably not have it in my room if they are all going to be working since that would be loud with all that ticking. My favorite one is the one that has the date and 24 hr time.

I am really wanting to paint this color on a wall in my house. It is just perfect! I want a wall this color and a turquoise wall. (those linens are gorgeous too).

Hey look! Kind of turquoise walls! Look at those amazing pillows on that great couch. And the wallpaper in the back room!! I think seafoam green can be another wall color. I don't want beige walls in my house. White walls are even worse.

I have been feeling run down lately, probably just the last push of college taking it all out of me. I found this verse (which is a very common one), and it gave me some encouragement:
"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength."
Isaiah 40:29-31.

Today I learned that one of my very good friends was beaten up as he was riding bikes home with a couple of his friends. They don't know who did it, but it seemed like possibly a hate crime since my friend is gay. I really hope it wasn't someone from my school. Who knows. It's horrifying that things like this still happen. Keep him in your prayers for healing, and pray that whoever did this gets caught and brought to justice.