You and whose army?

Today was interesting.  This whole week has been interesting.  Mainly internally.
I stood before the old art building at my school and watched them demolish it.  I started crying. It was kind of embarrassing, crying about a building.  It even sounds ridiculous.  I cried all the way to the new building.

I had a mid-project critique today in my advanced printmaking class.  This is what I showed.  It's pretty close to done, just needs a few more details (the flying W on the side in orange, and some grille detailing).  I want to do a bunch of these, at least ten, all different angles or winnebagos.

Should I continue doing them on paper or should I start doing them on fabric?  If I do them on fabric I am going to put them in the stretcher hoop thing for embroidery and leave them like that, as a 'frame'.  I like the way that this looks on paper though, because from a distance it looks like it's just screen printed.  Having it on fabric would give me the ability to be more intricate, however.  Discussing this with myself right now makes me want to do the fabric route.

Here is yesterday's outfit:
shirt/thrift : jeans/thrift : shoes/thrift : hat/made by my grandma for me!
I found the shirt in a bag I had intended to take to value village full of old clothes I never wore.  I am glad I went through it again, it was just sitting in a closet for months.  For some reason, this is one of my favorite outfits I've worn in a while.