Coming down

Well, I'm back in Washington after a wonderful week up north. Highlights? Yes:
Sledding party!! And my finished room:

Not much on the fashion front, as I've been traveling and having too much fun to take pictures of outfits. Luckily other people are being stylish to make up for me. Here are some pictures from my recent haunts of

I like the last girl's hair. I like mine black but I'm not sure how long I'm going to want it black. Of course, it's dyed black, which means it will be near impossible to get out. Oh well. Maybe I'll just go for it and see what color it ends up. I could always dye it back to black right? Sounds brilliant to me. Also, I am currently convinced of my need for a black pencil skirt.

Is anyone else excited for Christmas shopping? I sure am. I have my lists all filled up with stuff to get for loved ones and I'm so excited to shop for them. I just want to do it today, but I have so much to do to get ready for my craft fair. Things I should be going out and doing now, but alas, I have workers in my apartment fixing things. So it goes.

P.S. I want a dog SO BAD. Dauschund, preferably.