The Raindrops

Today was quite a day. I was bitten by the creative-sies and burst out my mother's old beading kit. But first, a very comfortable outfit for a rainy day:

I love that scarf, it's so cozy, and it was terribly rainy today (in the most wonderful way).
Jeans: Thrift
Shirt: Pacsun
Scarf: Hot Topic

On to the more exciting part of my day: Making jewelry!!!

Today I made two necklaces, a bracelet, and two pairs of earrings! I also found these adorable plane earrings at Value Village and am going to make one into a necklace and the other into a barrette.
It is exciting to make jewelry (especially bracelets) because it's so hard to find stuff that fits my little wrists. I don't have pierced ears though, so I will probably be selling my earrings on Etsy soon. Probably some necklaces too. Feels good to be creative again.

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting." e.e. cummings