Dusty's Snow Adventure

Dusty got a pretty little snow coat from her grandma for Christmas and after seeing how much fun she had in the snow when we got a light dusting last week, I figured it'd be fun to head up to the mountains and play in the snow with her!  I always miss the snow this time of year too, so it was probably as much for me as it was for her.  We drove up to Snoqualmie Pass and found loads of it! She had a total blast and her Pendleton snow coat was perfect!  With all her fur, I'm sure she was the warmest of all of us.

I'd never stopped at Snoqualmie Pass, only just driven through on I-90, but it was so nostalgic driving through the little ski resort town full of A-frame cabins with roofs piled with snow.  For whatever reason I had a vivid memory of an 8th or 9th grade birthday party sleepover at one of my friend's family cabin in Girdwood, AK right at the base of the Alyeska Ski Resort.  It was all giggling, watching scary movies, talking about boys, and sneaking around in the snow in the middle of the night.  Crazy to think that was 16 years ago now. I'm probably closer to having a kid that age than being that age. Yikes.