Freckled Nest Design!

I have some more exciting news! Over the past couple months I've been in the process of becoming a member of the Freckled Nest design team! I'm pretty thrilled because I really love making blog layouts and up until now I've only designed for my own blogs, but now you can have me (or any of our amazing designers) makeover your blog! Freckled Nest now has 8 designers and 4 formatters (for blogger, typepad, wordpress, and squarespace). I feel so lucky to be part of such a great team of designers.
Get to know the team! Click their name to go to their blog!

Leigh-Ann - founder and owner/senior designer

Mandi - senior designer

Kyla - project manager and owner/intermediate designer

Moorea - intermediate designer

Kelly Ann - intermediate designer

Jill - intermediate designer

Zoe - print and commission designer

In addition to the blog design, Freckled Nest also has a print and commission designer on staff now, Zoe! If you need packaging, identity, business cards, catalogues or newsletters and so on, contact Freckled Nest and get Zoe on your case!

Freckled Nest can also offer you illustration services for your design! Myself, Moorea and Zoe all offer illustration work through Freckled Nest. So if you want some cool illustrated elements in your new blog design, hit us up!

Start making requests for your blog makeover now! The new design team will start working in mid-February (which feels like it's already upon us! How time flies!). All of the designers have their own unique style, so browse through our descriptions and take a look at some designs each of us has done in the past.

Here's a look at a few of the blog designs I've done in the past!

All the information you'll need is available in the Design Packages PDF & Designers PDF so make sure to download them to find out more about Freckled Nest!