'Lectric lights is mighty fine

I'm currently stationed in Tacoma, WA, where I've been having the best time. Lack of posts=major IRL goodtimes. I have a travel recap post that I'll share at some point, but I realized that I forgot to do a post on the day I traveled to Spokane from BC! I guess I got to Spokane and I got so busy doing my prints that I forgot about all the pictures I took. Oops!

To recap on the last bit of B.C., My favorite part of B.C. was definitely from Peachland to the border. The whole Okanagan lake area was just absolutely gorgeous. Penticton, Summerland, the wineries, just beautiful. I kind of wish I'd known about it when I lived in Spokane because it would have been fun to take a weekend trip up that valley and visit all the wineries. Maybe someday I'll go back and do it. I wanted to stop and get some wine or some fruit at the many fruit stands I passed by, but the borders can get fussy about transporting alcohol and fruit so I just decided against it. Customs was already annoying enough to get through. I'm glad I don't have to be searched anymore, haha!
In Peachland I stayed at Todd's RV & Camping, which has been one of my favorite campgrounds so far. It's right on the shore of Okanagan lake, and it was so gorgeous. LB & I took a morning walk along the shore and it was incredibly refreshing. I would definitely recommend that campground, if you're ever camping in Peachland. (My other favorite campground, so far, has been Canyon Creek Campground in Hixon. Probably not as scenic as being lakeside, but welcoming and comfortable for sure).

Last... Sunday (? The thing about RVing is that it makes you totally forget what day it is) I drove from Peachland, BC to Spokane and I stopped at the Grand Coulee dam on my way through central Washington. In 2007 when my family took a 2.5 month long RV trip around the country, the Grand Coulee dam was one of our first stops. It was interesting being somewhere I'd been only once before 3 years ago. It really made me think about how I am a totally different person now and reflect upon the events of the past 3 years. So much happened between then and now. It's almost mind boggling to even think about. If I met the person I was 3 years ago, it'd almost be like meeting a different person, not meeting myself. That's probably exaggerating a bit, but everything is so different now. It might just be my perspective on life at the moment. Everything is so unsure- and not just because I'm living in a Winnebago and bouncing from place to place- on a more fundamental level. Perhaps my choice of living circumstances isn't a cause of this feeling, but more of a symptom- reflecting my interior state of being. It's hard because I want to settle down, I want to find a place where I can live for more than 4 years and call home. And call home because it's my place, not just because that's where I happen to be for some set of exterior reasons.

dress/moon collection via cosette :: shoes/minnetonka

It was so hot in eastern Washington last week, so I pretty much lived in sundresses. Now that I'm back on the west side, it's cardigans, jackets, and jeans (lots of bike riding!). I kind of like feeling comfortable in both feminine dresses as well as jeans and t-shirts. I think for a long time I pushed myself to wear things out of my comfort zone (which was jeans and t-shirts for about 10 years), so I wore dresses and skirts almost exclusively. Not that I didn't want to wear those things, it was definitely an exciting time of self discovery and creativity as far as my personal style went. Now, though, I'm feeling good about being able to bounce seamlessly between the two kinds of style. I don't feel the need to wear dresses all the time, but I still love to. I don't know. I'm feeling pretty free these days.