everything in its right place

My time in Sequim has been pretty lazy. So much so that I only put on this outfit for like 20 minutes and then put my sweats back on. I don't know why I've been so unmotivated while I've been here. Perhaps I am just coming down off of the excitement of Tacoma. The beginning of my trip was so solitary and quiet and the past week has been really full of stuff. I predict the next week or so will be too, since I'll be seeing some friends in Seattle, Tacoma, and Portland in the upcoming days. Wow! After not doing much hanging out with people over the last year, it's like friend overload! Don't get me wrong, I'm loving it! I'm like... a real person! With friends and stuff, who hangs out in real life. Whoa.

I feel like I'm going through some sort of metamorphosis. That's probably a little bit too dramatic and not completely accurately put. I just am enjoying the changes that are happening in my life, and I have physical reminders of everything that's happening. My fingers are getting calloused from playing guitar, my legs are sore from bike riding, and there's dirt under my nails from working on the Winne. I love seeing the dirt run off my skin in the shower. Sounds nasty, but it reminds me that I'm living. And I love getting dirty. I don't know what it is about it. The tactility of feeling something on your skin, the visual aspect of seeing it there. I love when my hands and arms are stained with ink, paint, oil & grease, dirt.

dress/from Yaneldys (via delightful dozen) :: tights/target :: scarf/hand-me-down :: shoes/marketpublique

A fan of the Delightful Dozen contacted me asking if we could help her out with styling this dress. She got it a while back and loves it, but is stumped on how to style it. I thought, why not? So here's my take on the dress. I'm sending it off next week to the next girl in the Delightful Dozen, so hopefully you'll see it styled in some different ways soon!