This is the start of something

It's very much Autumn up here in Alaska. The leaves are all falling off the trees and everything has begun the slow process of dying or hibernating for the next 9 months. Cue for me to leave before snow starts falling and I'm stuck here for another winter! I thought I'd share some photos that are getting me cozy and ready for fall vibes. The top photo kind of embodies what I envision wearing like the whole trip. Not really, but something about this outfit makes me so happy. I don't know if it's the little orange knitted hat perched on my head, the comfy black jeans, the plaid or the moccasins, but I always love that picture. Don't worry, I'll still be wearing dresses, but I'm definitely interested to see where my style goes.
Well, today is the day I leave. Maybe I should've started this post off with that news, eh? Haha. I'll try to tweet today, but who knows how long I'll have cell service. I have a feeling 3G won't be that great once I get out into the more wildernessy areas of Alaska. My campground may have internet tonight, though. We'll see. The campground I'm staying at tonight is actually my mom and I's favorite campground from our family's whole 2.5 month RV trip around the country 3 years ago. They have this fun nightly program of music and activities and this pancake tossing competition to win breakfast the next morning! They even make special animal-shaped pancakes like fish, moose, and a whole swarm of mosquitos! I'm hoping it lives up to the amazing memory I have of it! You can actually see me circa 2007 at the campground tossing a pancake in this post. And you better believe the Brave and I are getting our picture taken at the "Welcome to Alaska" sign!

(Annie Hoogendoorn)

(Cassie Kammerzell)

(Ashley Michelle)