Sunday: Chictopia10

Alright- more NYFW! On Sunday we went to the Chictopia10 conference. I didn't really know what to expect, the conference back in February was poorly planned and executed, so I was really hoping that they stepped it up for this one. Boy did they! I was very impressed. Not only was the venue perfect, but the information itself was so relevant to both bloggers and brands. Last time the information seemed to not be very relevant to bloggers, it was hard to hear, and the venue was way too small, so I'm really glad they took into account all of our suggestions and really put on an extremely successful event.

Not only was the information itself really great, but the format of the event was helpful for networking and getting to know new people. They sat us at round tables with people that we may or may not know, which at first seemed weird since most people didn't get assigned to a table with friends, but it really helped someone like me get to know new people. I get so stuck in my comfort zone and I bet if I had been at a table with Tieka or other friends I would have just talked to them, but instead I talked to the people at my table who I didn't know! I'm so not good at meeting new people, so I appreciated being sat at a table full of people I didn't know.

top/scrapbook :: skirt/handmade :: shoes/kendiegirl :: necklace/handmade

My favorite panelists at the conference were Kristin Burrows- president of Keds, E.J. Samson- former web director of Teen Vogue, Vanessa Hong- blogger from The Haute Pursuit, and Dino-Ray Ramos- contributing editor at the San Fransisco Chronicle.

Kristin Burrows was just a really inspiring woman. She is so brilliant and well spoken. I wish more young girls had a figure like her to look up to instead of crazy pop starlets like Lindsay Lohan. Kristin was a driven, smart woman who clearly was great at what she did and knew her industry backwards and forwards. I hope that I can have the kind of focus she does one day. For now I'm kind of adrift at sea, though I feel like there may be some sort of lighthouse on the horizon...

E.J. Samson was also another inspiring panelist. I had remembered seeing him at the last conference and I was bummed that I missed out on talking to him. I was glad that he was on the panel this time. As the former web director of Teen Vogue, he really had a grasp on the power of the internet and bloggers.

Since there was a dress-up afterparty later that evening, I decided that during the day for the conference I'd be a little more casual. It's so strange having outfit pictures in an urban setting. I'm so used to seeing myself within a natural setting!

Today I have to package and send out all my Totes, and get a copy of Woodall's for the trip. I got a copy of Milepost last night, so I need to plan out my trip through Canada tonight. Apparently gas prices though the Yukon and B.C. are outrageous, so it's going to cost a lot more than I had anticipated. Hopefully I can afford to keep driving as long as possible! I'd hate to make it to Washington and be broke, haha! I have a feeling I'll at least be able to get down to California and the Grand Canyon area. I guess it depends on gas prices and how thrifty I can be. Time to take a trip to Costco to get a huge case of Ramen noodles... yay for cheap food!

photos of me by Tieka