The last days

I forgot to post my whole outfit from when I sold my totes! I wore this the first day I was home from New York, and it felt really good to be comfortable and out in nature.
The weather in Anchorage has been bizarre lately. Right in the few miles around our house it's completely socked in with fog. For days on end. We never have fog that doesn't burn off by afternoon. Apparently the day before I flew home from New York they grounded 20 flights in Anchorage. My mom was freaking out that I wouldn't be able to land! Somehow we did land- though it was like landing in the middle of a cloud! Thank God, because I was going to have an emotional breakdown if I had to travel any longer. I ended up getting home 14 hours after I left my hotel. So long!

dress/free people :: boots/target :: top/vintage

So I was supposed to leave Anchorage today, but yesterday I went to my doctor's office to get a shot that I've been waiting for and they were closed! They're supposed to be open on Saturday but yesterday they closed at noon to do some sort of training for new staff. Bummer. Well, then we realized that even if I left on Sunday, I probably wouldn't get to Haines in time to try to make it on the ferry standby anyways. So I'll be leaving on Monday and trying to make it on to a ferry later in the week. Apparently they're all booked up with reservations, but you can make it on them standby sometimes. I've never been on the ferry through the inside passage down the southeast. I'm really excited for it! I'll be leaving from Haines and going all the way down the coast to Bellingham (assuming all goes well and I actually get on a boat). I'll probably be chilling out in Haines for a while trying to get on a boat, but hopefully they have internet. I bet it will be a beautiful place and I can't wait to take pictures!